
Thursday 21 July 2022

Packaging Regulations and the Impact on Kaija Sofia

Many countries now operate very strict packaging recycling regulations, which is a great idea to reduce tons of packaging waste.  However, it is proving very difficult for extremely small businesses who ship overseas.  Most countries operate a system where the person sending the packaging is responsible for ensuring it is recycled (or pays a company to ensure that the equivalent amount of the relevant type of packaging is recycled in the receiving country on their behalf).

I have spent several days reviewing the EU packaging licensing laws, and arranging licenses where possible. For some countries, this has proved difficult or impossible, either due to administrative difficulties or prohibitive costs. For example, the minimum annual fee for a license to France is €80.  Since I only send 5 or 6 padded envelopes to France per year, I cannot cover this expense.

With regret, I will no longer be able to sell to the following countries:

Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden

If the laws change, and/or I become able to comply with the regulations within each of these countries in future, I will be very happy to start selling to them again. Until then, I apologise to my wonderful customers in these countries.

As mentioned previously, my company (Kaija Sofia) is registered at the Packaging Register of the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (ZSVR). My Dual System Licensing partner for the collection, sorting & recycling of the packaging is ACTIVATE by RECLAY. German customers can still place orders.

If you have any questions about whether I ship to your country or why I can no longer do so, please message me.